General terms of use
Art. 1. These General Terms and Conditions are designed to regulate the relationship between VRooms LTD, hereinafter referred to as “short” SUPPLIER, иusers, referred to below USERS, of its information society services, referred to below THE SERVICE.
Art. 2. Information under the Electronic Commerce Act and the Consumer Protection Act:
- Name of the Provider: VRooms LTD
- Registered office and address of management: Sofia, 33 Tsar Ivan Asen Str.
- Address for exercising the activity: Sofia, 33 Tsar Ivan Asen Str.
- Correspondence data:
- Email:
- Address: Sofia, 33 Tsar Ivan Asen Str.
- Website:
- Supervisors:
- (1) Commission for Personal Data Protection
Address: city of Sofia, “Ivan Evstatiev Geshov” № 15, tel .: (02) 940 20 46
fax: (02) 940 36 40
Email:,; Website:
- (2) Consumer Protection Commission
Address: 1000 Sofia, 4A Slaveikov Square, 3rd, 4th and 6th floor,
phone.: 02 / 980 25 24
fax: 02 / 988 42 18
hot line: 0700 111 22; Website:
Art. 3. The service provided by Provider on The user is an information society service within the meaning of the Electronic Commerce Act. The main features of The service are the following:
- Make a booking for an escape room game
- Receive information about free play hours
- Save time for teambuilding
- Save time for birthday
- Receive cost-of-service information
Art. 4. The Provider provides the service and Users use the delivered Service, according to the parameters announced on the Providers’s Internet page.
Art. 5. (1) The Provider provides the Service for a fee payable by the User according to the chosen Service,which is provided for consideration.
(2) Information about the parameters of the Service is available on the Provider’s web page.
Art. 6. (1) The user pays the Service value, as determined by the Provider’s fee, provided for consideration.
(2) The Provider confirms receipt of payment by activating the Service and other appropriate confirmation electronically.
Art. 7 (1) These terms and conditions apply both to services requiring registration and to those that are not required to register.
(2) In order to use the Service, the User must enter a remote access password that he / she chooses.
(3) The remote access password is determined by the User by making an online registration on the Provider’s Internet page, in accordance with the procedure specified in this and the General Terms and Conditions.
(4) By filling in your details and clicking on the “Yes, I accept”, “Sign Up” or other statement in the sense of consent, the User declares that he / she is familiar with these terms and conditions, agrees with their content and undertakes to comply unconditionally.
(5) The Provider confirms the registration made by the User by sending a letter to an email address indicated by the User, to which the registration activation information is sent. The consignee confirms the registration and the conclusion of the contract by electronic reference in the letter informing about the registration, sent by the Provider. After the confirmation, an account of the User is created and a contractual relations arise between the latter and the Provider.
(6) When making the registration, the User is obliged to provide correct and up-to-date data. The user shall promptly update the data specified in his / her registration in case of change.
(7) In the event that a User Account is used to sign up for the use of the service, a social networking or other network account is the party who is the owner of the account on the social or other network in question. In this case, the Provider has the right to access the data necessary to identify the User in the relevant social or other network.
Art. 8. (1) Users primarily use the interface on the Provider’s website to make electronic statements in their relationship.
(2) The contract is concluded in the Bulgarian language.
(3) The Agreement between the Provider and the User constitutes the present General Terms and Conditions available at, together with any amendments and additions thereto.
(4) A party to the agreement with the Provider is the User of the Service according to the data provided at the registration and contained in the user’s personal profile. For the avoidance of doubt, this is the data that created an account with the Provider.
(5) The provider includes, in the interface of his website, technical means of identifying and correcting errors in the input of information before the contract is made.
(6) This contract is deemed to have been concluded from the moment the User has registered with the Provider. In the event that the Service is claimed for use after the registration, the contract for its use shall be deemed to have been concluded from the time of its being requested by the User via the Provider’s interface.
(7) For the conclusion of this contract and for the conclusion of the contract for the use of the Service, the Provider shall explicitly notify the User in an appropriate manner by electronic means.
(8) In the event that the Service is used without registration by the Users, the contract for its use shall be considered concluded since its first use by the User. In this case, the present terms and conditions are in effect from the moment the user first uses the service until the end of its use.
(9) The contract and confirmation of receipt of the contract shall be deemed to have been received when their addressees have access to them.
Art. 9. (1) The User is entitled to use the Service in good faith and for its intended purpose.
(2) When using the Service, the User shall not use software, scripts, programming languages, or any other technology that could create difficulties for other users.
(3) The user undertakes not to use the Service in contravention of the applicable legislation.
Art. 10. The user provides the equipment for access to the Service and its management independently.
Art. 11. (1) In order to improve the quality of the Service, perform prevention, repair and other related activities, the Provider may temporarily restrict or suspend the provision of the Service.
(2) In the cases under para. 1, the Supplier shall be obliged to reimburse the provision of the service in due time after the circumstance which gave rise to the suspension has ceased.
Art. 12. (1) Доставчикът предприема мерки за защита на личните данни на Ползвателя съгласно Закона за защита на личните данни. (2) For security reasons of the User’s personal data, the Provider will only send the data to an e-mail address that was designated by the Users at the time of registration. (3) The Provider accepts and declares on its Site a Privacy Policy available at The User agrees with the Supplier’s Privacy Policy. (4) The Recipient agrees that the Provider is entitled to process his or her personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
Art. 13. (1) At any time before, during, or after the provision of the Service, the Provider is entitled to require the User to legitimize and certify the authenticity of each of the circumstances and personal data announced during the registration.
Art. 14. (1) These General Terms and Conditions may be modified by the Provider, for which the latter will appropriately notify all registered Users of the service.
(2) The Provider and the User agree that any addition and amendment of these General Terms and Conditions will have effect upon the User upon express notification from the Provider and if the User does not declare within 14 days that he rejects them.
(3) The User agrees that all statements by the Provider regarding the modification of these terms and conditions will be sent to the email address indicated by the User upon signing the use of the Service. The Service User agrees that emails sent pursuant to this Article need not be signed with an electronic signature in order to have an action against him.
(4) Users who use the Service without registration will accept the new terms and conditions from the time of use after their change without explicit notice of the change.
Art. 15. The Service Delivery Agreement is terminated:
upon expiration of the term of the contract, according to the period of service provided by the User;
with termination of the User’s registration for the use of the Service;
upon termination and in liquidation or bankruptcy of one of the parties to the contract;
by mutual agreement of the parties in writing;
unilaterally with a notice from either party in case of non-fulfillment of the obligations of the other party;
in the objective impossibility of any of the parties to the contract to perform their duties;
in the event of seizure or sealing of equipment by public authorities;
in the cases under Art. 9, para. 3 of these General Conditions;
Art. 16. The Provider is entitled, at its sole discretion, without giving notice to unilaterally terminate the contract if it finds that the services provided are used in violation of the present General Terms and Conditions, the legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria and the generally accepted moral norms.
Art. 17. With the agreement of another organizer’s booking made by a VRooms Ltd. representative, you will be deemed to have automatically agreed to make the reservation, the General Terms and the other organizer, declaring that you will be familiar with from the site of the organizer or on-site during your visit.
Art. 18. The laws of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to matters not governed by this Agreement relating to the implementation and interpretation of this Agreement.
Art. 19. Any disputes between the parties to this contract will be resolved by the competent court or the Consumer Protection Commission.
Art. 20. These General Terms and Conditions will enter into force for all Beneficiaries on September 1, 2015.
Art. 21. Any invalidity of any provision of these General Terms and Conditions will not invalidate the entire contract.