Premium VR Escape Rooms
Players: | 2 - 4 |
Difficulty: | 8/10 |
Hard mode: | N/A |
Ages: | 13+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | Exit VR |
Players: | 2 - 4 |
Difficulty: | 10/10 |
Hard mode: | N/A |
Ages: | 13+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | Delusion |
Jungle Quest
Players: | 2 - 6 |
Difficulty: | 4/10 |
Hard mode: | 6/10 |
Ages: | 10+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
Players: | 2 - 6 |
Difficulty: | 4/10 |
Hard mode: | 6/10 |
Ages: | 10+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
Escape The Lost Pyramid
Players: | 2 or 4 |
Difficulty: | 5/10 |
Hard mode: | N/A |
Ages: | 10+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | Ubisoft |
Beyond Medusa's Gate
Players: | 2 or 4 |
Difficulty: | 8/10 |
Hard mode: | N/A |
Ages: | 10+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | Ubisoft |
Prince of Persia: The Dagger of Time
Players: | 2 - 4 |
Difficulty: | 10/10 |
Hard mode: | N/A |
Ages: | 13+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | Ubisoft |
Save Notre-Dame on Fire
Players: | 2 |
Difficulty: | 5/10 |
Hard mode: | N/A |
Ages: | 10+ |
Genre: | Thriller |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | Ubisoft |
Players: | 2 - 6 |
Difficulty: | 3/10 |
Hard mode: | 4/10 |
Ages: | 10+ |
Genre: | Thriller |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
Players: | 2 - 6 |
Difficulty: | 8/10 |
Hard mode: | 9/10 |
Ages: | 13+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
The Prison
Players: | 2 - 6 |
Difficulty: | 6/10 |
Hard mode: | 8/10 |
Ages: | 13+ |
Genre: | Thriller |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
Incarna Chapter 1
Players: | 3 or 4 |
Difficulty: | 5/10 |
Hard mode: | 7/10 |
Ages: | 10+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | Incarna Studios |
Players: | 2 - 6 |
Difficulty: | 6/10 |
Hard mode: | 8/10 |
Ages: | 13+ |
Genre: | Sci-Fi |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
Signal Lost
Players: | 2 - 6 |
Difficulty: | 6/10 |
Hard mode: | N/A |
Ages: | 10+ |
Genre: | Sci-Fi |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
Mission Sigma
Players: | 2 - 6 |
Difficulty: | 5/10 |
Hard mode: | 6/10 |
Ages: | 10+ |
Genre: | Thriller |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
Incarna Chapter 2
Players: | 3 or 4 |
Difficulty: | 8/10 |
Hard mode: | 10/10 |
Ages: | 13+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | Incarna Studios |
Players: | 2 - 6 |
Difficulty: | 6/10 |
Hard mode: | 7/10 |
Ages: | 15+ |
Genre: | Scary |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
House of Fear
Players: | 2 - 4 |
Difficulty: | 5/10 |
Hard mode: | N/A |
Ages: | 15+ |
Genre: | Scary |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
House of Fear 2
Players: | 2 - 4 |
Difficulty: | 5/10 |
Hard mode: | N/A |
Ages: | 15+ |
Genre: | Scary |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
House of Fear 3
Players: | 2 - 4 |
Difficulty: | 5/10 |
Hard mode: | N/A |
Ages: | 15+ |
Genre: | Scary |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
Players: | 2 - 6 |
Difficulty: | 3/10 |
Hard mode: | 5/10 |
Ages: | 10+ |
Genre: | Adventure |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | ARVI VR |
Players: | 2 - 4 |
Difficulty: | 7/10 |
Hard mode: | 9/10 |
Ages: | 15+ |
Genre: | Scary/Sci-Fi |
Time Limit: | 60 min. |
Developer: | BackLight |